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Adopt-a-Bike Path Program

The Adopt-A-Bike Path program allows businesses, organizations, and private citizens an opportunity to support the City’s maintenance and beautification efforts. It also offers a way for the civic-minded to become involved in visual improvements of the community, save taxpayer dollars, and generate positive publicity.

Participants electing to participate in the Adopt -A- Bike Path Program are required to commit to maintain the assigned section for a minimum of one year, with the opportunity to recommit at the end of a completed year. Maintenance efforts are required to be performed a minimum of once a month.

Should you wish to pursue the program, fill out the application and send it to:

Cathy Martindale
City of Sonoma
#1 The Plaza
Sonoma, CA 95476.

If you have any questions, feel free to callCathy Martindale at 707-938-3332.


Form and Brochure

Adopt-a-Bike Path Application

Adopt-a-Bike Path Brochure

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