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Application Period Extended for City Commissions & Committees

Posted on January 9, 2018

The City of Sonoma has extended the deadline to submit an application for one of its Commissions and Committees. New deadline – 5:00 p.m. January 22, 2018.

Recognizing the vast knowledge and talent of our community, the City asks individuals to serve our on a variety of commissions and committees. These commissions and committees are charged with focusing on key issues within Sonoma and to then provide feedback, recommendations and support to the Council on those issues. Earlier in the year, the City Council identified a need to review their local appointment process for commissions and committees. After many hours of consideration, the City Council has given direction on a new process and formal adoption will occur in October.

The new appointment process was implemented in two phases – beginning with the Planning Commission appointments in November, and the remainder of the Commissions and Committees being advertised in December 2017 with a January appointment process for a February 1, 2018 start date.

At this time, the City is seeking applications for the following commissions and committees:

• Community Services & Environment Commission – CSEC
• Design Review and Historic Preservation Commission – DRHPC
• Cultural & Fine Arts Commission – CFAC
• Traffic Safety Committee

COMMUNITY SERVICES & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION – The Community Services & Environment Commission advises the City Council on matters related to the preservation and enhancement of parks, recreational facilities, open space and the natural environment under the jurisdiction of the City.

• 7 members with one alternate position
• 5 positions will be appointed by individual Council Members and the Council as a whole will vote on the two At-Large members and one Alternate position.
• At least 5 members and the Alternate will be qualified electors of the City and the remaining members may be a resident of Sonoma Valley, as defined by the Commissions Appointment Administrative Policy.
• No formal interviews will be held. Updated new on-line applications will be accepted and reviewed. The attachment of resumes to the application is encouraged.
• Individual Council appointees will serve terms that are aligned with the Council Member who appointed them and all others will serve four year terms.

DESIGN REVIEW & HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION – The goal of the Design Review Commission is to protect the architectural heritage of Sonoma and promote excellence in town design through its review of proposed projects and developments.

• 5 members with one alternate position
• 5 positions will be appointed by individual Council Members and the Council as a whole will vote on the one Alternate position.
• 4 members and the Alternate will be qualified electors of the City and 1 member may be resident of Sonoma Valley, as defined by the Commissions Appointment Administrative Policy.
• No formal interviews will be held. Updated new on-line applications will be accepted and reviewed. The attachment of resumes to the application is encouraged.
• Individual Council appointees will serve terms that are aligned with the Council Member who appointed them.

At least two members of the DRHPC must be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archaeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography.

CULTURAL & FINE ARTS COMMISSION – The role of the Cultural & Fine Arts Commission is to develop and establish a balanced arts and cultural program for the City. Each year they select and honor the “Treasure Artist of the Year” and sponsor the “Student Creative Arts Awards” program providing cash awards to deserving students.

• 7 members with one alternate position
• 5 positions will be appointed by individual Council Members and the Council as a whole will vote on the two At-Large members and one Alternate position.
• At least 5 members and the Alternate will be qualified electors of the City and the remaining members may be a resident of Sonoma Valley, as defined by the Commissions Appointment Administrative Policy.
• No formal interviews will be held. Updated new on-line applications will be accepted and reviewed. The attachment of resumes to the application is encouraged.
• Individual Council appointees will serve terms that are aligned with the Council Member who appointed them and all others will serve four year terms.

TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE – The Traffic Safety Committee reviews complaints and suggestions submitted by residents regarding traffic safety issues. It advises the City Council on all physical measures proposed as solutions to those issues.

• 5 members with one alternate position
• 5 positions will be appointed by individual Council Members and the Council as a whole will vote on the one Alternate position.
• 4 members and the Alternate will be qualified electors of the City and 1 member may be resident of Sonoma Valley, as defined by the Commissions Appointment Administrative Policy.
• No formal interviews will be held. Updated new on-line applications will be accepted and reviewed. The attachment of resumes to the application is encouraged.
• Individual Council appointees will serve terms that are aligned with the Council Member who appointed them.

Applications can now be submitted electronically through the City’s CivicWeb Portal.  You can access the application by clicking on the Commission and Committees tile. A button will appear allowing the submission of applications. Paper applications will still be accepted and are available in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, No. 1 The Plaza.

Individuals that are interested in applying, or current members that would like to be reappointed, are encouraged to apply by submitting an application. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Monday January 22, 2018.

For questions, please contact the City Clerk at 707.938.3681, or by email at

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