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Call for Letters of Interest – “Parks for All” Citizens’ Oversight Committee

Posted on March 6, 2019

Maxwell Farms Regional Park Playground

The City of Sonoma is seeking letters of interest from individuals who would like to be considered to serve on the “Parks for All” Citizens Oversight Committee.  The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will make two appointments from a list of names submitted by the mayors of Sonoma County cities.

The purpose of this committee is to provide transparency and ensure fiscal accountability for the Sonoma County Parks Improvement, Water Quality, and Fire Safety Measure (Measure M) approved by the voters in November 2018.  This measure established a 1/8 cent special transaction and use tax (sales tax) countywide for a ten-year period to support the county’s Regional Parks and incorporated city parks throughout the county.  The duty of the committee is to ensure that funds are budgeted for purposes consistent with the Measure (i.e. parks) and that all recipients comport with the maintenance of effort language described in the measure.  The committee will produce an annual report to the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting. The committee’s responsibilities do not include decision-making on spending priorities, financing plans or tax rate projections or assumptions.  The committee has no authority to direct County or City staff or officials.

If you are interested in being considered, please submit a letter of interest via email to City Clerk Rebekah Barr at no later than March 31, 2019.  If you have any questions, the City Clerk can be reached at (707) 933-2216.

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