City Council Introduces Ordinance Prohibiting the Use and Sale of Disposable Products Containing Polystyrene Foam and PFAS

Posted on April 8, 2021

At their Monday, April 5th meeting, City Council held a public hearing on a proposed polystyrene ordinance. This ordinance, if adopted, would prohibit the distribution or sale of food and beverages in disposable cups, bowls, trays, and clamshell containers containing polystyrene foam or PFAS (per- and polyfluoralkyl substances), commonly referred to as “forever chemicals.”

Food providers, including restaurants, food trucks, and grocery stores, would be required to use disposable food service ware that is accepted for recycling and/or composting in the City of Sonoma. The ordinance would also require restaurants, grocery stores, and food trucks to only provide disposable straws, stirrers, lids, cutlery, and condiment packets when requested by the customer. Finally, the ordinance would also prohibit the retail sale of polystyrene foam coolers.  The effective date of the ordinance would be 180 days after adoption.

The motion to move the ordinance to the next step was passed unanimously by the City Council. The next step will be for the City Council to vote on the adoption of the ordinance, which likely will occur later this month. Subscribe to receive future meeting notifications on our CivicWeb Portal.

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