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Special City Council Meeting – May 30

Posted on May 29, 2018

While the agenda for the Regular Meeting of May 30, 2018, was posted on the CivicWeb Portal, distributed to the Council / Agenda subscribers within the time parameters set by the Ralph M. Brown Act, it was inadvertently not posted on the City Hall bulletin board 72 hours prior to the meeting. This is also a requirement of the Brown Act. In order to meet all of the legal noticing requirements, the Regular Meeting has been cancelled and a Special Meeting scheduled for the same time. There is no substantive changes to the items on the agenda, other than there will be no general public comment – all agendized items will be heard, though not all may be acted upon.

A special meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Wednesday, May 30 at 6 pm. View the full agenda and staff reports. Items on the regular calendar to be considered by the City Council include:

  • Local Regulation of Commercial Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis Activities
  • Update on FY 2017/18 Budget and discussion, consideration and possible action on budget amendments to the City of Sonoma’s Operating and Capital Budgets for FY 17/18

The meeting will be held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can also be viewed on channel 27 or on the City’s CivicWeb portal.

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