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City Council Meeting – May 3rd, 6:00 PM

Posted on April 30, 2021

City Council Meeting May 3rd

A regular meeting of the Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, May 3rd at 6:00 pm. View the full agenda to view items on the consent calendar on our CivicWeb Portal. The items to be considered on the regular calendar are:

  • Economic Development Activities (including the City of Sonoma’s Al Fresco Dining/Parklet Program) During Upcoming Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic; and Public Events During Upcoming Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Make Appointments to the City of Sonoma Planning Commission
  • Traffic and Pedestrian Safety along Broadway
  • A Resolution Approving Water Utility Rates for Fiscal Year 21-22 and Fiscal Year 22-23

We want to hear from you!
The public is encouraged to submit comments by e-mail* at or by attending the virtual meeting on May 3rd and speaking during the public comment period for the agenda item. Find out how to participate in virtual meetings here.

Keep In Touch!
To receive future Sonoma City Council meeting notifications via email, please subscribe on our CivicWeb portal.

* Per the City’s standard practice, any comments received prior to the commencement of the meeting will be uploaded to the public correspondence folder on the City’s CivicWeb Portal and available for review by the public and the Committee. It will not be read during the meeting.

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