A regular meeting of Sonoma City Council will be held on Monday, October 7th at 6:00 pm. Council will dedicate this meeting in remembrance of the October 2017 fires. View the full agenda and staff reports including items on the consent calendar and public hearing on our CivicWeb Portal. Items to be considered on the regular schedule include:
- Report to City Council on the 2019 Summer Recreation Program Servicing the Teen Community
- Use of Unallocated Funding within the City’s Recreation and Community Services Program for FY 2019/20
- City’s Position on Proposed 2019 League of California Cities Annual Conference Resolutions
The meeting will be held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can also be viewed on channel 27 or on the City’s CivicWeb portal. If you would like to receive future meeting notifications via email, please subscribe on our CivicWeb portal.