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City Seeks Candidates for Deputy Finance Director Position

Posted on May 29, 2018

Click to view brochure.
Click to view brochure.

The City of Sonoma is seeking qualified candidates for the new position of Deputy Finance Director. Reporting to the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director, the Deputy Finance Director plans, organizes, manages, and oversees the daily activities and operations of two staff members (1 – FTE/1 – PTE), including: budget development and implementation; accounting and revenue management; internal and external audits; debt financing activities; investment and bond management; revenue collections; financial reporting; and grant functions. View or download the deputy finance director brochure for a detailed description of the position, qualifications, compensations, benefits, and application process.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by Friday, June 29, 2018. Electronic submittals should be submitted to Ralph Andersen & Associates at and should include a compelling cover letter and comprehensive resume.

Confidential inquiries are welcomed. Contact Ms. Heather Renschler or Mr. Kevin Kwoka at (916) 630-4900 for additional information.

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