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UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County

Age Group(s): Adult, Senior

Description: We are UC-trained volunteers providing sustainable gardening information and education to Sonoma County home gardeners. The UC Master Gardener Program is part of a statewide network of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources programs.

Master Gardeners are volunteers trained by the University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension. Through community service and educational outreach, we provide home gardeners and community organizations with the knowledge and skills to create a healthy home gardening environment for Sonoma County. The UC Master Gardener Program is part of a statewide network of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources programs.

Master Gardeners are trained and certified UC volunteers whose mission is to provide unbiased, high quality, science-based information to non-commercial home gardeners in Sonoma County. Master Gardeners are given an extensive training program in plant science covering such topics as soil and plant nutrition, irrigation, weed-insect-disease control, vegetables, fruit trees and berries, landscape trees-shrubs-lawns-flowers, home composting and pesticide use alternatives. The UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County program has been extending information and providing technical assistance to home gardeners since 1982. We answer gardening questions and take a proactive role in extending information for community improvement.

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