All of the cities and towns within Sonoma County are partnering with the Sonoma County Community Development Commission to prepare an Assessment of Fair Housing, required under state and federal law. The Assessment looks at policies, practices and conditions that shape disparities in housing and opportunity for protected groups under the Fair Housing Act (people in racial and ethnic minorities, people living with disabilities, seniors, etc), and identifies meaningful ways of addressing issues like segregation, housing cost, and unequal opportunities for education and employment.
As members of our communities, you know best how disparities impact you. This survey is one of many ways that we are asking people in Sonoma County to tell us about their personal experiences. Tell us about yours here:
In English: https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/xgB3Al
In Spanish: https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/VsCs1H
Your input will inform our Countywide Assessment of Fair Housing, we are grateful for your time.
For more information about the state law that requires this work, visit: https://www.nhlp.org/wp-content/uploads/AB-686-Fact-Sheet-Feb.-2019.pdf
For more information on the federal guidance that Sonoma County is following for this assessment, visit: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/affh/overview/#:~:text=The%20Assessment%20of%20Fair%20Housing,of%20Fair%20Housing%20(AFH).
Note: Although the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule has been temporarily suspended by the current administration, Sonoma County is following this guidance because it is mirrored by State Law.