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COVID-19 Status Update – Local Vaccine Clinics, New State Mask Guidance, Testing Opportunities, Metrics and More

Posted on May 7, 2021

Covid Status Update, May 7th

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Sonoma County remains in the “orange” tier in the state’s framework. California and Sonoma County are on track to fully reopen by June 15, if hospitalizations stay low and Californians continue to get vaccinated. When California fully reopens the economy, the state will move “Beyond the Blueprint” for a Safer Economy. Common-sense health measures such as masking will remain across the state.

This week, the County’s adjusted case rate was up slightly to 1.9 new daily cases per 100,000 (up from 1.8 last week), a test positivity rate of .9 percent, and an equity metric positivity rate of 1.2. If Sonoma County’s metrics hold or improve, the County could move to the less restrictive “yellow” tier in the coming weeks. Keep up the good work Sonoma!

Want to help Sonoma County get into an even less restrictive tier and fully reopen by June 15th? Keep up the good work by continuing to follow the mitigation measures we are all now so familiar with – wear your mask in indoor public spaces and when in crowds, keep your distance, practice good hand hygiene, limit gatherings and consider getting tested for COVID-19.

Vaccine Distribution

Sonoma County announced that 50% of our eligible adults in the County are now fully vaccinated – an important and impressive milestone! Thank you to all who have chosen to be vaccinated. This week the County has now administered over 467,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to eligible Sonoma County residents. As of Wednesday, about 67 percent of Sonoma County’s adult (16+) population have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Just a few weeks ago, vaccine appointments were hard to come by. Now, they are plentiful, and anyone 16 years or older who wants one can get an appointment at one of the many clinics, pharmacies or health centers in the County — often the same day. Many are also accepting walk-in patients. Just go to to find an appointment that works for you.

Find Local Vaccine Clinics on the Sonoma Valley Health Partner Website

The Sonoma Valley Health Partners are maintaining a comprehensive list of community vaccine clinics in Sonoma Valley.  Many do not require an appointment.  See website in English and Spanish.

Vaccine for Children ages 12 to 15 Expected to be Authorized Soon

Pfizer says clinical studies have shown that its COVID-19 vaccine is also safe and extremely effective for children ages 12 to 15 and has requested that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amend its emergency use authorization to include the expanded age range. The FDA is reviewing the request and is expected to make a decision soon, possibly as soon as next week. Pfizer’s trial in adolescents showed its vaccine was at least as effective in them as it was in adults. The Pfizer vaccine is currently authorized for use by anyone 16 and older. The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized to be administered only to those 18 and older.

This Week’s Testing Opportunities in Sonoma Valley

County health officials recommend that everyone who goes into public – even if they don’t have any symptoms and/or have been vaccinated for COVID-19 – get tested at least once per month and those who regularly interact with the public get tested twice each month. The County of Sonoma continues to increase access to free COVID-19 testing, find options in Sonoma Valley below or visit for a complete list.

    • WEDNESDAYS, 2 PM – 4 PM at St. Leo’s | Weekly testing at St. Leo’s Catholic Church. Appointments can be made online at or by calling (707) 565-4667. Click here to watch a Spanish language tutorial on how to make an appointment online.
    • WEDNESDAYS, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM at Boyes Hot Springs Park and Ride | Weekly testing at the Park and Ride on Hwy 12 and Thompson Ave. Appointments can be made online at or by calling (707) 565-4667.  Click here to watch a Spanish language tutorial on how to make an appointment online.
    • 2/3 Days a Week, 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM, LHI Mobile Unit at Vintage House | The LHI bus will be at Vintage House this week from Friday (5/7) through Saturday (5/8) and returns Thursday (5/13) and Friday (5/14) next week.  Registration for the self-administered nasal swap test is required. Make an appointment online at or by calling (888) 634-1123.

California Issues New Guidance for Use of Face Coverings

On Monday, May 3, the California Department of Public Health issued new guidance on face coverings — mask-wearing. The guidance supersedes face coverings guidance issued on November 16, 2020. Sonoma County Counsel is working on an order that will align the County’s guidance with the State’s. The purpose of this guidance is to provide information about when face coverings are required for members of the general public. It does not substitute for existing guidance about physical distancing and hand hygiene. In the workplace, employers subject to the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS), must ensure that all workers are provided and properly wear face coverings as required by the ETS.

The new state guidance includes:

  • For fully vaccinated persons, face coverings are not required outdoors except when attending crowded outdoor events, such as live performances, parades, fairs, festivals, sports events, or other similar settings.
  • For unvaccinated persons, face coverings are required outdoors any time physical distancing cannot be maintained, including when attending crowded outdoor events, such as live performances, parades, fairs, festivals, sports events, or other similar settings.
  • In indoor settings outside of one’s home, including public transportation, face coverings continue to be required regardless of vaccination status, except as outlined below.

As defined in the CDPH Fully Vaccinated Persons Guidance, fully vaccinated people can*:

  • Visit, without wearing masks or physical distancing, with other fully vaccinated people in indoor or outdoor settings.
  • Visit, without wearing masks or physical distancing, with unvaccinated people (including children) from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease in indoor and outdoor settings

Exemptions: The following individuals are exempt from wearing face coverings at all times:

  • Persons younger than two years old. Very young children must not wear a face-covering because of the risk of suffocation.
  • Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. This includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face-covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance.*
  • Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
  • Persons for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines.
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