COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for Residents 75+ in Sonoma This Weekend

Posted on February 1, 2021

Vaccine Clinic


Drive-Thru, COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for Residents 75 Years or Older – Feb 6th & 7th at Sonoma Valley High School Parking Lot

If you are 75 years or older and live in Sonoma Valley – This is your shot!

A drive-through COVID-19 vaccination clinic is scheduled at the Sonoma Valley High School Parking lot on Saturday, February 6th & Sunday, February 7th from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Appointments and proof of eligibility are required. Find details, eligibility requirements and sign up at:


Now is the time to check in with your 75+ family members, neighbors and friends to let them know of this opportunity. The best, most efficient way to make an appointment is to sign up directly online. If that is not possible, those eligible can call the following organizations for assistance: Vintage House 707.996.0311, La Luz Center 707.938.5131, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center 707.939.6070, and City of Sonoma 707.938.3681.

More Vaccination Clinic dates will be announced in the coming days and weeks. Please check and stay informed.

The vaccination clinic has been organized by Sonoma Valley Health Partners, a collaborative effort that includes Sonoma Valley Hospital, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center, Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue, Schell-Vista FPD, City of Sonoma, and the Catalyst Fund.

For more information related to COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations visit:

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Vaccine Clinic
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