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Blood Drive

MayMay 3 2023

1:30pm - 6:00pm Sonoma Valley Fire District Headquarters

630 2nd St W, Sonoma, CA 95476

Flyer for a blood drive at the Sonoma Valley Fire District Station number 1.

Flyer for a blood drive at the Sonoma Valley Fire District Station number 1.Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. This could be a little girl in the ICU or a mother with Stage 3 leukemia. If you’re worried about needles, don’t be—most blood donors compare the experience to a mild, split-second pinch! The entire process is very safe and very fast, and you will feel amazing knowing you potentially saved up to three people.

To schedule your appointment for the Sonoma Valley Fire District Blood Drive, visit and enter blood drive code: SVFR1

For more information or to schedule a donation call 877-258-4825 or visit

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