City Council Meeting

Sonoma City Council will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. See the complete agenda for more information. The meeting will feature a presentation on the Sonoma Valley Enhanced Infrastructure Funding District, public comments, consent calendar items, a public hearing on a half-cent transactions and use tax ordinance, and a regular calendar item on appointee residency requirements and appointments to various committees. See the complete agenda on our CivicWeb Portal for more information.
The meeting will be held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can be viewed on channel 27 or the City’s CivicWeb portal.
Public Comment
To make a public comment, individuals are encouraged to either attend the meeting in person and speak during the designated public comment period related to the agenda item they wish to address or submit comments in advance online* through our public comment form on our CivicWeb Portal.
Please note that there will be two general public comment periods for this meeting. The first public comment period will be limited to ten speakers and each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes. Speakers are asked to line up when the Mayor announces Comments from the Public. Those speakers who do not have an opportunity to speak during this time will be allowed to comment under a second general public comment section at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be allowed up to two minutes.
Keep in Touch!
To receive future City Council meeting notifications via email, please subscribe on our CivicWeb portal.
* Per the City’s standard practice, any comments received before the commencement of the meeting will be uploaded to the public correspondence folder on the City’s CivicWeb Portal and available for review by the public and the Commission. It will not be read during the meeting.