A Water Smart Future – Innovations in Water Reuse and Efficiency , Home Energy Workshop
11:30am - 12:30pm
The County of Sonoma’s Climate Action and Resiliency Division is pleased to announce the latest homeowner workshops in an ongoing series for those interested in learning more about the benefits of making improvements that will help make your home more energy efficient and resilient.
The online workshops cover various topics including evaluating energy use, wildfire safety improvements, funding your projects, solar photovoltaics and battery storage, and innovative water reuse.
To register for workshops, please click on the links below. For online webinars, all registered attendees will receive copies of the presentation and slides upon the workshop’s conclusion.
Online workshops are held on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- April 26: A Water Smart Future – Innovations in Water Reuse and Efficiency https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nxI_dWBYRBirgDhNjmyufQ?fbclid=IwAR2m-cM8SPQWBiaOCONCh7fcc8-RVfzR0Mn7UZ9DGPJk-Y_3oNFnqr8tZLE
- May 3: The Value of Energy Efficiency in Home Electrification https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qtkVf89SSSSztMycXlmA6w?fbclid=IwAR09_pLoZBdi04LkTb5UoEss3iPlV9Ql4uhAc5-R6BqjpVPfZHqDCtDvzAo
- May 6: Induction Cooking Expo at Premiere Bath and Kitchen https://www.eventbrite.com/e/electric-induction-kitchens-a-better-way-to-cook-tickets-560997256897?fbclid=IwAR37NWmbpvu9z3tXpEVvBjR-Sk6956j7cobR7Mvy_WKNiUeWzGWHbMQfzYw
- May 10: Funding Your Improvements – Incentives, Rebates, and Financing
For more information or to RSVP directly, call (707) 565-6470 or email Energy@sonoma-county.org.