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Sonoma’s Tuesday Night Farmers Market- Farmers and Agricultural Vendor Only Market

JunJune 2 2020

2:30pm - 5:30pm Sonoma Plaza

No. 1 The Plaza, Sonoma, CA 95476

Tuesday Night Market

Tuesday Farmers MarketSonoma’s Tuesday Night Market has been temporarily replaced with a weekly Farmer and Agricultural – Only Market presented by the City of Sonoma in partnership with the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce at the Sonoma Plaza on Tuesdays from 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM. Learn more at

🥕New Health and Safety Measures are in Place for Sonoma’s Tuesday Market. This year, we ask that you please follow these guidelines to keep our market safe & open:

➡️  Stay home if you are sick.
Tuesday Farmers Market➡️  Designate one shopper per household.
➡️  Make a shopping list to help make your visit to the market as short as possible, and limit interactions with others.
➡️  Wear your face covering at all times.
➡️  Practice social distancing by maintaining a 6-foot distance from others at all times.
➡️  Sanitize your hands before entering the market. Hand sanitizer will be provided.
➡️  Do not handle produce or products, and food sampling is not allowed. Vendors must bag purchases for the customer.

What Can You Expect

Tuesday Farmers Market

There are numerous operating policies to ensure public health and safety during this COVID-19 emergency.  Farmers’ markets are an important means of getting fresh healthy food into the hands of our citizens and a way to support our local agricultural economy.

While Market managers regret that necessary restrictions will exclude artisan and food vendors who will be missing out on important income because of the farmers-only market, this decision was necessary to ensure the protection of public health by limiting the market to essential services only.

And while the community has always gathered for the Market as a fun summer event, it is not yet known when we can return to that tradition.

For Questions, 707-694-3611​,

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