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Flex Alert! Conserve Electricity Thursday from 5:00 – 10:00 PM,

Posted on June 17, 2021

Flex Alert
The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for through 1:00 PM Friday with the highest temperatures expected Thursday. Visit for a complete forecast.
As a result of this extreme heat, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) urges customers to conserve electricity in response to the California Independent System Operator’s (ISO) statewide Flex Alert called for Thursday, June 17th from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. CAISO is the organization that manages the state’s power grid.
Best ways to conserve energy:
> Raise the thermostat: set to 78 degrees when at home, health permitting. Turn it up to 85 degrees or off when not at home.
> Use a ceiling fan: this will allow you to raise the thermostat about 4 degrees to save on cooling costs with no reduction to comfort.
> Turn off fans and lights when you leave a room.
> Cover windows: use shade coverings and awnings so the A/C won’t have to work as hard.
> Avoid using the oven, instead, cook on the stove, use a microwave, or grill outside.
> Limit the opening of your refrigerator. The average fridge is opened 33 times a day – how low can you go?
> Charge electric cars after 9 or 10 pm.
Visit CAISO’s web page for information about California’s electric grid and to view usage.
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