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Library reopens to public six days a week beginning May 24th

Posted on May 26, 2021

Beginning May 24, the Sonoma Valley Regional Library offers in-person Express Services six days a week. Express Services will allow those who have limited access to our online library, or who miss their in-person library experience, to join in reopening gradually and safely. County libraries will open six days a week, five hours at a time, at 50 percent capacity. As the county moves into higher tiers and more people are vaccinated, our services will expand. Reservations no longer required.

The library will be open as follows:

Express Services
Monday: 1-6pm
Tuesday: 1-6pm
Wednesday: 11am-4pm
Thursday: 11am-4pm
Friday: 11am-4pm
Saturday: 11am-4pm

Curbside Services
Monday: 12-6pm
Tuesday: 12-6pm
Wednesday: 10am-4pm
Thursday: 10am-4pm
Friday: 10am-4pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm

During Express Services, in-person services will be available:

  • Browsing and checking out books, CDs, DVDs and more
  • Computer use, including self-service scan, and print
  • Free 24/7 WiFi access
  • Visitors are required to wear a properly fitting face covering, follow social distancing guidelines and follow the posted signage and verbal directions of library staff
  • Patrons will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer upon entry
  • Food or drink inside the library are not permitted
  • Stay home if you are sick or have COVID-19 symptoms

In addition to the guidelines above, the library is working to protect the safety of patrons and staff:

  • Limiting occupancy inside the library
  • Promoting touchless service, like self-checkout and “Click & Collect” curbside pickup
  • Disinfecting high-touch surfaces regularly
  • Installing plexiglass at service desks
  • Placing social distancing markers and signs throughout the library
  • Providing hand sanitation stations throughout the library

Sonoma County Library will continue to offer extensive services online. Conact the library: Fill out the Contact Us form,  email, or call (707) 996-5217, or text 707-632-4591.

Curbside service is still available by request during in-person open hours, with additional curbside hours at regional libraries. See website for more information.

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