The City of Sonoma is pleased to introduce our new Sustainability Coordinator, Travis Wagner.
Travis Wagner was an environmental consultant for 14 years working primarily to support municipal, hazardous, and radioactive waste planning and policy for the US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of Energy, and the US Army. In 2002, he became a professor of environmental science and policy at the University of Southern Maine. His primary research focus has been working with municipalities to identify and implement sustainable materials management strategies through increased source reduction and recycling of difficult-to-recycle wastes and single-use plastics including plastic bags, straws, and polystyrene food service ware; compact fluorescent lights; and electronic waste.
He has written 7 books, 36 articles, and given numerous academic and public presentations on various aspects of waste, energy, and sustainable materials management, internationally and at the state and local levels. Over the past two years, he has taught courses in environmental planning and environmental policy at Sonoma State University.
Travis earned a B.S. in Environmental Science from Unity College in Maine, a Master’s degree in Environmental Policy from the University of Maryland, and a Ph.D. in Environmental and Natural Resource Policy from The George Washington University in Washington, DC. He moved to Boyes Hot Springs in 2017 where he resides with his wife, Amelia Randolph, M.D.