The Sonoma City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Declaring a Water Shortage Emergency Condition in the Sonoma Area and Declaring a Stage 1 Water Shortage for the City of Sonoma Water Service Area at their regular meeting on June 7th at 6:00 PM. Once posted, the agenda for the June 7th meeting will available for viewing on the City’s CivicWeb portal. Read the complete notice of public hearing.
A voluntary Stage 1 water shortage alert in the City of Sonoma water service area, in accordance with Sonoma Municipal Code 13.10.070, may by resolution be declared upon recommendation by the Director that the Board of Directors for the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) has officially declared up to 15 percent reduction in Russian River water supply delivery to the City. In order to achieve an overall system-wide reduction goal of up to15 percent of Russian River water supply deliveries, all potable water customers of the City shall be requested to:
- Apply irrigation water only during the evening and early morning hours to reduce evaporation losses.
- Inspect all irrigation systems, repair leaks, and adjust spray heads to provide optimum coverage and eliminate avoidable over-spray.
- For irrigation valves controlling water applied to lawns, vary the minutes of run—time consistent with fluctuations in weather.
- Reduce minutes of run-time for each irrigation cycle if water begins to run off to gutters and ditches before the irrigation cycle is completed.
- Become informed about and adhere to the City’s Water Waste Prohibitions as established in Section 13.10.060.
- Utilize water conservation rebates and other incentive programs to replace high water use plumbing fixtures and appliances with water-efficient models.
- Utilize City information regarding using water efficiently, reading water meters, repairing ordinary leaks, and how to apply water efficiently to landscaping.
We Want to Hear From You!
Interested parties are invited to address any comments directly to the City Council, via email to publiccomment@sonomacity.org by 5 p.m. on June 7, 2021. Public Comment will only be received by email to the email listed above.
Interested attendees should visit the City’s CivicWeb portal to confirm the meeting location, time, and agenda. An agenda and staff report will normally be available on the Thursday prior to the City Council meeting. To receive future City Council meeting notifications via email, please subscribe.