PG&E Power Shutoff & Restoration Updates, October 11, 2019, 10:00 AM:

•Sonoma City Hall has resumed regular hours and services. Open 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Closed 12 NOON – 1:00 PM for lunch.
•The National Weather Service reports the fire weather threat has diminished despite continued dry conditions. Overnight temperatures continue to drop to the low 40’s. Residents still without power should follow cold weather safety tips, including: dress warmly and have several blankets on hand, stay indoors with doors and windows shut, keep pets indoors, and check on the safety of elderly and medically frail neighbors.
•PG&E reports power has been restored to over 70% of the County. The City is aware that some areas of Sonoma Valley remain without power.
•The PG&E community resource center at Hanna Boys Center (17000 Arnold Drive) is open for charging capability, WIFI, A/C and bottled water.

•The charging center set up at the Vets Building by the City and the County of Sonoma and staffed by the Sonoma Community Center is now closed. The Center was used by a total of 1,150 community members on Wednesday and Thursday. Many thanks to John Gurney of the Sonoma Community Center, Erica Jacobs with the City, and all of the outstanding volunteers and staff.
•The County of Sonoma has created a survey to learn more about your experience of the PG&E Power Shutoff. Their intent is to understand residents’ challenges and successes during this event, so the County can better prepare for the future. A separate survey will be available for Sonoma County businesses at a later time. Take the online survey at https://socoemergency.org/resident-experience-survey/
For more information, please visit the City’s website www.sonomacity.org