Updates – October 10, 2019: 9:30 AM
- Sonoma Valley experienced high winds overnight, but there was no fire activity in Sonoma County or neighboring communities. The Red Flag Warning for our area has been extended through 5 pm today.
- PG&E has not yet initiated the re-energization process, which includes checking for downed lines. With a limited history of a power restoration process involving multiple counties, the time frame for our area is not yet known, but earlier communications from PG&E were to expect a power restoration process of 1-5 days. Updates will be shared as available.
- City Hall is open today during regular hours. Phones and internet were down earlier today but are currently up and running.
- Charging for electronic devices is available today at the PG&E community resource center at Hanna Boys Center (17000 Arnold Dr.) and at the City/County Charging Center at the Veteran’s Memorial Building. Bring your own charging cords.
- Please continue to be cautious when driving and as a pedestrian. When traffic signals are out, drivers should treat the intersection as a 4-way STOP and proceed with caution when it is safe to do so, in accordance with the Vehicle Code. Construction in the public right-of-way by County Sanitation will continue in the area near Staples, so be mindful when driving in that area.
- If you are using a portable generator, be sure to review the appropriate safety materials. Incorrect generator use can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning or a fire. The City of Sonoma will not be enforcing noise ordinance limits on generators during the power shutoff.