Do the AMI communications devices meet Radio Frequency (RF) limits?

Yes. The cellular transmitters used for each meter are required to meet Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency limits. The signals used to transmit data from meters are much weaker than those from many everyday devices, such as cell phones, wireless internet routers, and baby monitors. In addition to being very low power, the meters transmit radio signals only four times per day, with each transmission lasting less than a second. The meters are also typically located near the street frontage of the property, in a concrete meter box. This combination of factors ensures the signals used are well below government limits with respect to human exposure to radio frequency energy. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission conducted a study of radio emissions from AMI water meters as compared to other common household radio sources, and confirmed that advanced water meters emit significantly less radio frequency energy than common household items like cell phones, microwave ovens, cordless telephones, etc. Additional information on radio frequency safety is available on the FCC’s website.

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