Recognizing the vast knowledge and talent of our community, the City of Sonoma (City) asks individuals to serve on a variety of commissions and committees. These commissions and committees are charged with focusing on key issues within Sonoma and then providing feedback, recommendations, and support to Sonoma City Council on those issues.
The City of Sonoma is currently seeking applications for the following positions on both City of Sonoma and Regional commissions, committees, and boards:
City Commissions and Committees
- Traffic Safety Committee
- One Non-Voting Youth Member, and One Alternate
- The Traffic Safety Committee reviews complaints and suggestions submitted by residents regarding traffic safety issues. It advises the City Council on all physical measures proposed as solutions to those issues.
- One Non-Voting Youth Member, and One Alternate
Regional Appointments
- Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission
- Two Representatives
- A joint advisory agency with representation from the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma to share responsibility for local planning in the Sonoma Valley. Members must be a qualified elector in the City of Sonoma. The representative serves a four-year term.
- Two Representatives
Alternate Members will serve two-year terms. Non-voting Youth Members will serve a one-year term. Learn more about City Commissions and Committees on our website at www.sonomacity.org/departments/commissions-committees/
Interested individuals should apply electronically on the City’s Civic Web Portal, https://sonomacity.civicweb.net. The online application can be accessed by selecting the “Commission Application” tile and then “Apply.” Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
For questions, please get in touch with Sonoma City Clerk Rebekah Barr by calling (707) 938-3681 or emailing cityhall@sonomacity.org.