Recognizing the vast knowledge and talent of our community, the City of Sonoma (City) asks individuals to serve on a variety of commissions and committees. These commissions and committees are charged with focusing on key issues within Sonoma and then provide feedback, recommendations, and support to Sonoma City Council on those issues.
The City of Sonoma is currently seeking applications for the following positions on both City of Sonoma and Regional commissions, committees, and boards:
City Commissions and Committees
- Design Review and Historic Preservation Commission (DRHPC)
- One Non-Voting Youth Member
- The goal of the DRHPC is to protect the architectural heritage of Sonoma and promote excellence in town design through its review of proposed projects and developments.
- One Non-Voting Youth Member
- Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission (PROS)
- One Non-Voting Youth Member and One Non-Voting Certified Arborist
- The PROS advises the City Council on matters related to the preservation and enhancement of the parks, recreational facilities, and open space under the jurisdiction of the City.
- One Non-Voting Youth Member and One Non-Voting Certified Arborist
- Traffic Safety Committee
- Four Directly Appointed Members, One Non-Voting Youth Member, and One Alternate
- The Traffic Safety Committee reviews complaints and suggestions submitted by residents regarding traffic safety issues. It advises the City Council on all physical measures proposed as solutions to those issues.
- Four Directly Appointed Members, One Non-Voting Youth Member, and One Alternate
- Cultural and Fine Arts Commission (CFAC)
- One Non-Voting Youth Member and One Alternate
- The role of the CFAC is to develop and establish a balanced arts and cultural program for the City. Each year they select and honor the “Treasure Artist of the Year” and sponsor the “Student Creative Arts Awards” program providing cash awards to deserving students.
- One Non-Voting Youth Member and One Alternate
- Planning Commission
- One Non-Voting Youth Member
- The Planning Commission’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, development of the General Plan and Development Code, review and action on environmental impact reports, subdivision, and parcel maps, use permit and variance applications, and special studies and reports.
- One Non-Voting Youth Member
Regional Appointments
- Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SV GSA), Advisory Committee
- One Representative
- The SV GSA is a newly formed public agency. Its purpose is to secure groundwater sustainability for the Sonoma Valley groundwater basin. The agency has a governing board and an advisory committee. The purpose of the advisory committee is to provide input and recommendations to the Agency Board on groundwater sustainability plan development, implementation, and policies. The intent of the committee is to provide community perspective and participation in the Agency. The City makes one appointment to the committee. Members must be a resident of the City of Sonoma. We encourage candidates with experience and familiarity with groundwater and its management and will give preference to applicants with experience working with diverse community-based groups.
- One Representative
- Sonoma Community Housing Corporation (SCHC), Board of Directors
- One Representative
- The Board of Directors of the SCHC is a non-profit housing corporation created by the City’s Community Development Agency in 1987 for the purpose of providing on-going program oversight and administration of Sonoma Creek Senior Housing, a thirty-four-unit rental apartment complex for very low income seniors located on Oregon Street. The Board of Directors of the SCHC is made up of two City Council Members, the City Manager, a staff member designated by the City Manager and a public member appointed by the City Council. The Board of the SCHC meets on an as-needed basis to review rents and address tenant policies and concerns.
- One Representative
Alternate Members will serve two-year terms. Non-voting Youth Members will serve a one-year term. Learn more about City Commissions and Committees on our website at www.sonomacity.org/departments/commissions-committees/
Interested individuals should apply electronically on the City’s Civic Web Portal, https://sonomacity.civicweb.net. The online application can be accessed by selecting the “Commission Application” tile and then “Apply.” Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 13, 2023.
For questions, please contact Sonoma City Clerk Rebekah Barr by calling (707) 938-3681 or emailing cityhall@sonomacity.org.