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Sonoma Police Investigate Armed Robbery

Posted on March 2, 2018

The Sonoma Police Department is investigating an armed robbery at a downtown plaza jewelry store. The incident happened Thursday afternoon just after 4:00 PM when an employee of Studio Collections, a small boutique jewelry shop located in the 100 block of E Napa, noticed two men enter. She was in the back room and told them she’d be right with them but the men walked past the counter to the back room and engaged her. They grabbed her, brandished a handgun and forced her to the floor where she was handcuffed.

One suspect then went through the display cases and stole an undetermined amount of jewelry while the second man stayed with the victim. The two men then fled through a rear door east through a parking lot.

The suspects were only described as Hispanic males in their 20’s-30’s, unknown clothing description at this time. Sheriff’s detectives are working on video surveillance footage. If anyone saw anything suspicious yesterday around 4:00 PM in the Sonoma Plaza or possibly has any other video surveillance in the plaza of these suspects, you are requested to contact the Sonoma Police Department at 707-996-3602.

Prepared by: Sgt. Spencer Crum
Media Inquiries: 707-565-3941
For full details, view this message on the web.

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