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Sonoma’s 2021 Fourth of July Fireworks Show – A Letter from SVFA

Posted on June 9, 2021

The City has received many inquiries about the fireworks show planned for July 4, 2021, which is hosted and funded by Sonoma Volunteer Firefighters Association (SVFA).  Residents and others have asked if the show will proceed following announcements that fireworks shows in other communities have been canceled. The SVFA has confirmed that they believe that they can safely continue our local tradition this year and that they intend to watch the weather closely for July 4.  If there is a weather-related reason to not hold the show, they won’t hold it. Read the full statement from SVFA below.

While we are heartened to hear from so many of you that are eager for the return of our fireworks display, we have also heard, understand and acknowledge those who have concerns about the show. Noise from fireworks can cause distress for our veterans, those with sensory sensitivities and pets. Fireworks shows in the past have brought in large crowds. We’re in a drought with an early start to fire season. We take these concerns very seriously.

Please know that our experienced team is committed to safely putting on a Fireworks show, and has done this through many droughts in the past. This year, we’ll use reclaimed water to dampen the area around the display area. We have acquired fireworks that will launch higher in the sky so they will be enjoyed from a safe distance and discourage crowds. We’ll continue to communicate details of the event including the time and duration to better prepare those who are sensitive to the noise. As we do every year, the State Fire Marshal, CalFire and your Sonoma Valley Fire District will all use our utmost diligence regarding the wind and weather, watching both to make sure we can safely launch fireworks. Any of these three agencies can and will put an immediate stop to the Fireworks Display if it is unsafe. If we do encounter inclement weather we will postpone/cancel the show. Rest assured that our team of highly trained professionals will always place the safety of the community first and foremost.

We will have multiple resources from multiple fire agencies patrolling the area ready to extinguish any fire that may occur. After all who better to put on a fireworks show than your local firefighters! Over this past year these dedicated men and women have been on the front lines of the worst fire season California has ever faced, as well as the COVID-19 Pandemic. They would like nothing more than to help celebrate this nation’s independence as we recover from this last year’s disasters by providing the community with a much needed celebration.

Sonoma Volunteer Firefighters Association


Sonoma Volunteer Firefighters’ Association
For more information or to donate to next year’s show, click on the following link:

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