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District 1 Constituents Invited to Serve on Boards and Commissions

Posted on September 4, 2020

First District Supervisor Susan Gorin invites community members to apply for positions in local policymaking bodies. Applications and a list of all boards, commissions, and committees to which the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors appoints members is available here. The vacancy list on the site shows available opportunities for involvement.

“Local government leaders want to hear your thoughts and your ideas on how to make improvements to a variety of issues in our community,” said Supervisor Susan Gorin. “Please consider joining one of over 75 Sonoma County Boards and Commissions and let your voice be heard.”

In the First District, Supervisor Susan Gorin is currently calling for applicants for the following commissions and boards:

Commission on Human Rights: Two vacancies. The primary purpose of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is to promote better human relations among all people in Sonoma County through education, advocacy, and by initiating action that fosters the recognition of, and appreciation for, the diversity of our community.

Meeting Schedule: Fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Location: Virtual

Sonoma County Library Commission: One vacancy. The Library Commission’s mission is to bring information, ideas, and people together to build a stronger community. The available seats is restricted to individuals residing in the County of Sonoma.

Meeting Schedule: First Monday of each month at 6:00pm Location: Virtually

Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission (SVCAC):Two vacancies. The SVCAC is a joint advisory agency with representation from the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma to share responsibility for local planning in the Sonoma Valley. The Commission provides a regular forum for citizen

Meeting Schedule: Fourth Wednesday of most months at 6:30 p.m. Location: Virtually

Springs Municipal Advisory Council (Springs MAC): One Vacancy. The Springs MAC will represent the best interests of the entire community while acting as a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses on topics for the Springs Area. Ideal candidates will create a diverse composition representative of the Spring MAC community. Members must reside or own a business within the boundaries of the Municipal Advisory Council, and be 18 years of age or older. There are no requirements for property ownership or citizenship.

Meeting Schedule: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Location: Virtually

For more information, please contact Supervisor Gorin’s office
District Director Pat Gilardi at 707-565-3752 or via email: or Board Aide Karina Garcia at 707-565-1776 or via email:

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