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FAQ Topic: City Government

What records are exempt from disclosure?

(Partial listing, for full listing, see California Government Code Section 6250) Attorney-Client discussions are confidential, even if the agency is the client. (§§ 6254(k), 6254.25, 6276.04) Preliminary drafts, notes and memos may be withheld only if: (1) they are “not retained…in the ordinary course of business” and (2) “the public interest in withholding clearly outweighs the public … Continued

What is a public record?

Per the California Public Records Act (CA GC 6250-6270): A “public record” includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by the City of Sonoma regardless of physical form or characteristics. Records are not just printed or handwritten documents, they may be video recordings or … Continued

How do I submit a public records request?

The City Clerk is the local Elections Official who administers democratic processes such as elections, access to city records, and all legislative actions ensuring transparency to the public. The City Clerk acts as a compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes including the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act, and the Public Records Act. … Continued

Does Sonoma have sister cities?

The Sonoma Sister Cities Association (SSCA) was established on September 8, 1986, by official agreement between SCI and the City of Sonoma, as a nonprofit organization to create long-term partnerships between Sonoma and communities in other countries where we have mutual, beneficial interests. Today, SSCA has seven sister city relationships that extend to four continents: … Continued

How do I apply to serve on a Commission?

Sonoma’s commissions and committees play an important role in our local government. We invite you to learn more about serving on a commission and the current openings that are available.

When are commission and committee meetings held?

The City of Sonoma has a number of commissions and committees, including: Planning Commission Community Services & Environment Commission Cultural & Fine Arts Commission Design Review & Historic Preservation Commission Traffic Safety Committee Tree Committee Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Committee The meeting dates, agendas, and member information for each is available on our CivicWeb Portal.

Where can I view the Municipal Code?

The Sonoma Municipal Code represents the regulations of the City of Sonoma.  As each new regular ordinance is adopted by the City Council, its contents are codified and integrated into the overall Code.  Regular ordinances become effective 30 days from the date of their adoption by City Council, unless otherwise specified in the Ordinance. Please note that … Continued

What is the Ralph M. Brown Act?

The Ralph M. Brown Act, is an act of the California State Legislature. It guarantees the public’s right to attend and take part in meetings of local legislative bodies. It was written by Assemblymember Ralph M. Brown and passed in 1953,  It is  located in the California Government Code 54950 et seq.

When and where are City Council meetings held?

The City Council holds meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month. The meetings begin at 6:00pm at 177 First Street West, Sonoma, in the Community Meeting Room. When a holiday falls on the Monday meeting date, the meeting is then scheduled for the following Wednesday.

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