FAQ Topic: Fire and Paramedic

What is a red flag warning?

A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours.  A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire. A Fire Weather Watch is one … Continued

Will I receive a bill for ambulance transportation?

Valley residents will only be billed if they are uninsured.  Any co-pay and/or deductible which is passed on from the insurance company will be waived for our valley residences only. For more information about what is and isn’t covered for non-residents, please contact your insurance provider. Ambulance billing questions can be directed to our ambulance billing … Continued

What happens when I call 9-1-1?

In the City of Sonoma where your 9-1-1 call goes depends upon where you place the phone call:  Standard Phone (Landline) If you call from a home or business phone in the City of Sonoma, your 9-1-1 call first goes to the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center since the City of Sonoma contracts with the … Continued

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