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FAQ Topic: Measure W

How can I learn more about the UGB and Measure W?

For background, visit the Urban Growth Boundary page.  For information about Measure W, including the City Attorney’s impartial analysis of the ballot measure, the City Council Resolution,   and other frequently asked questions, visit the Measure W page. General information about the November 3 election can be found at the Elections page.  If you are a … Continued

What is “urban development”?

Measure W states that urban development will not be allowed beyond the Urban Growth Boundary, meaning development requiring one or more basic municipal services. Certain exceptions regarding water service are provided. Like the current rules, Measure W allows public parks, schools, agricultural and open space uses served by municipal services to be located outside the … Continued

What is the current Urban Growth Boundary?

Measure W would preserve the existing Urban Growth Boundary that was approved by the voters in 2000. A map showing the current UGB can be found here, with the UGB line shown in blue.

What is Measure W?

In 2000, Sonoma voters approved a ballot measure that established in the City’s General Plan a boundary line beyond which urban development was not permitted for twenty years, except under certain circumstances. If approved by a simple majority of voters, Measure W would continue with the existing Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) for another twenty years, … Continued

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