FAQ Topic: Recycling & Waste Reduction
Please do NOT place plastic shopping bags in your curbside recycling tote. The best option is to avoid getting new bags. But if that is not possible, try to reuse them or you may be able to donate them for reuse by local thrift stores. Otherwise, there are receptacles for recycling your plastic bags at … Continued
Yes, these items are not recyclable but are compostable provided they do not contain hazardous materials (e.g., cleaners, motor oil, etc.).
Zero Waste Sonoma offers periodic household hazardous waste collection events.
You can drop-off any unwanted and expired drugs/pharmaceuticals for safe and proper disposal inside the Sonoma Police Department.
Find drop-off locations on the Zero Waste Sonoma website.
These items are not recycled in Sonoma so they need to be properly disposed of.
Visit the Sonoma Garbage Collectors website for information.
Zero waste refers to products that are designed, used, and managed at the end of life, based on the waste reduction hierarchy (prevent waste, reduce and reuse first, then recycle and compost) in a concerted effort to avoid disposal.