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UPDATE — Gateway Mixed Use Development Project Appeal to be Heard on October 1

Posted on September 27, 2018

The City Council opened the public hearing on the Gateway Mixed-Use Development appeal at its August 06, 2018 meeting. The item was continued to the September 17th meeting and then the October 1, 2018 meeting. With the retirement of Planning Director David Goodison, the City has recently brought on contract planning staff to assist with this project, however there was a tight deadline to meet the agenda deadline and computer technical issues that impacted staff’s work. On September 26, 2018, City staff posted an agenda indicating that the appeal hearing would be postponed and continued to a date to be determined.

After receiving feedback from individual Council Members regarding scheduling and evaluating available dates to reschedule, the City Manager, in consultation with the Mayor, has decided to cancel the continuation and amend the agenda to continue public hearing on October 1, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. This is consistent with Council’s original direction and it allows continued public input and Council deliberation on the project on a more timely basis.

Staff will, as always, make a presentation at the public meeting to provide an overview of the project and any additional information not available for the staff report at this time.

The public is encouraged to attend. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Information regarding the project can be found on the Gateway Mixed Use Project page,  and the staff report and attachments can be found on the City’s CivicWeb Portal.

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