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Update on the West Napa St. Water System Replacement

Posted on November 2, 2017

Construction of the West Napa Street Water System Replacement Project will continue through November 2017. Weather permitting, the work is expected to be completed before Thanksgiving.

Work was suspended during the fire emergency to avoid potential impediment to emergency
responders and evacuees. The City appreciates that the contractor for the project allowed
their equipment to be utilized for emergency notification purposes as well as for providing
lighting at the Sonoma Raceway evacuation center. The City is also grateful for a project
subcontractor that provided construction equipment and their storage yard for use by the
City’s Public Works Department when the City’s corporation yard had to be evacuated.

Remaining construction work includes replacement of water services, the addition of fire
hydrants, and completing the replacement of the existing water main from 7th Street West to
Sonoma Highway (Staples). Surface restoration, striping activities, and other construction
close-out activities will extend along West Napa Street from Sonoma Plaza to Sonoma

Work will continue from Sunday through Thursday night between 8:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.
Residents and business owners will be notified of water shut-downs that will affect their
property. Water shut-downs will be scheduled overnight to minimize inconvenience.

For questions about this project, please contact the Construction Manager, Jane Rozga, at
707-236-1530 (day) or the on-site Construction Inspector, Eric Leitz, at 707-396-0645
(night).Night work on the project


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