Sonoma Overlook Trail volunteer stewards invite the community to a free 20th-anniversary celebration of the trail located at 198 First Street West in Sonoma on April 16, 2023, beginning at 11:00 a.m.
Gather at the main trailhead kiosk (at the entrance to the Mountain Cemetery) to enjoy refreshments, a short program and the glories of the trail in spring.
Meet special guests and honor the grassroots movement that saved Overlook from commercial development, raised money in the community and put in almost two miles of free public trail for everyone to enjoy in perpetuity.
Free guided wildflower walks are available at the event.
Trail Facts and Figures
- 2 trails, Upper and Lower, plus spurs and connectors on City of Sonoma-owned property.
- The total length of all Overlook trails is 9795 feet.
- Main trailhead altitude: 120 feet.
- Summit (Upper Loop) altitude: 520 feet.
- 55,000 visits annually; most are City and Valley residents.
- Many regular and repeat walkers and hikers.
- Out-of-town visitors come from all states and more than 40 international countries.
- Walkers and hikers have filled more than 70 “hikers’ notebooks,” kept at the summit, with their observations, appreciation, awe, and gratitude for this marvelous public resource.
- The trail is cared for by volunteer stewards who do regular maintenance, special projects, Wednesday morning organized hikes and raise funds in the community to support their work.
- Visit www.overlookmontini.org for the latest trail news and photos.