The City of Sonoma is pleased to announce the 2020 Citywide Slurry Seal Project (Project) will start this weekend. The Project will begin with preparations on June 13th and 14th followed by the application of the slurry seal on June 18th and 19th. The Slurry Seal program is part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets in a safe and functional condition for all modes of transportation.
The Project will include safety measures in the form of street signs, a radar speed sign and pavement markings. It also includes bike route pavement markings and signage for a Class III bike route on East Napa Street between 2nd Street East and 8th Street East (see map). The City is partnering with the County of Sonoma to place bike route pavement markings and signage on the County’s portion of East Napa Street between 8th Street East and City limits (near 6th Street East). This route will connect to the existing bike route on 2nd Street East and is part of the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Streets will be closed to traffic during the slurry application process until it has been determined by personnel that the streets are safe to drive on. Any unexpected traffic during the application can be dangerous and it is vital for everyone’s safety that you do not drive, walk (including your pets) or bicycle on the wet slurry. Following the application of the slurry seal, new markings on the street surface will be installed. This final portion of the project will require some traffic control, but the streets will remain open to traffic.
Each affected residence and business will receive a door hanger with information about temporary restrictions to on-street parking and driving on the newly sealed roadway, plus a map and schedule of the affected roads prior to the slurry seal application.
Learn more about slurry seal and find a location map and schedule on the Slurry Seal Project Page.
This project is funded by Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funds received from Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. No City General Fund proceeds are being used for this project.