Category: Hotel Project Sonoma
The City of Sonoma City Council will hold a Public Hearing at their meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 6:00 pm to consider an appeal by the applicant of the Planning Commission’s decision to approve the Use Permit, Exception to Development Code Loading Standard, Reduction of Residential Component, Design Review, Demolition Permit, and Lot … Continued
The City Council will conduct a public hearing at thier regular meeting to consider an appeal by the Applicant regarding the Planning Commission’s decision to approve the Use Permit, Exception to Development Code Loading Standard, Reduction of Residential Component, Design Review, Demolition Permit, and Lot Line Adjustment for the Hotel Project Sonoma. Date and Time: … Continued
The City of Sonoma Planning Commission will hold a public meeting to receive comments on the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR) for the “Hotel Sonoma Project”, at thier regular meeting on Thursday, July 20th at 6:00 p.m. The Sonoma Hotel Project is located at 153 West Napa Street and 541 First Street West evaluating … Continued
The City of Sonoma has prepared a Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR) (State Clearinghouse Number 2015062041) for the Hotel Project Sonoma (also referred to as “the project” or “the proposed project”). The City elected to recirculate the environmental document to address changes to the proposed project – particularly a residential component that was not … Continued
The public is invited to the City of Sonoma Planning Commission Hearing at their meeting on Thursday, August 12, 2021, at 6:00 pm for a Scoping Meeting for Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report and Study Session for the “Hotel Sonoma Project”. The applicant is requesting a Use Permit including a waiver of the residential component, … Continued
The Planning Commission hearing of the revised Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Use, Permit, Lot Line Adjustment and Design Review and associated entitlements application for the “Hotel Project Sonoma” located at 153 West Napa Street and 541 First Street West scheduled for December 12, 2019, has been continued to a date yet to be determined.
The Planning Commission hearing of the revised Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Use, Permit, Lot Line Adjustment and Design Review and associated entitlements application for the “Hotel Project Sonoma” located at 153 West Napa Street and 541 First Street West originally scheduled for November 12th has been continued to the meeting of December 12, 2019. … Continued
In July of 2017, the City Council took action on an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to certify an Environmental Impact (EIR) prepared for the West Napa Street Hotel project. The City Council voted to uphold the appeal to direct staff and the environmental consultants to prepare a Revised EIR addressing specified topics, including … Continued
In July of 2017, the City Council took action on an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to certify an Environmental Impact (EIR) prepared for the West Napa Street Hotel project. The City Council voted to uphold the appeal to direct staff and the environmental consultants to prepare a Revised EIR addressing specified topics, including … Continued