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Citywide Slurry Seal Project Construction Begins Week of September 24

Posted on September 19, 2018

 Project Location Map
Click to Enlarge Project Location Map

The City of Sonoma is expected to start construction on the 2018 Citywide Slurry Seal Project (project) the week of September 24, 2018. This project is part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets in a safe and functional condition for multi-modal circulation.

On August 20th, 2018, the City Council awarded a construction contract for this project in the amount of $186,120 to VSS International, Inc. This project is funded with a combination of tax revenue generated from Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 and Measure M (local sales tax) as well as funding from the City’s General Fund.

This project generally involves street surface treatment (slurry seal) for 12 street segments and 3 multi-use pathway segments throughout the City. Please see the project location map for a visual of the project limits. The project is expected to start mobilizing, removing paving markings/striping, and crack sealing the week of September 24th, 2018. The slurry seal treatment is expected to be performed the week of October 1st, 2018 within a 2-day period. Work will take place during the day between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. All work is expected to be completed by the end of October. City crews are currently preparing some streets for slurry seal treatment.

During the slurry seal treatment, specific streets will need to be closed for approximately 4 to 6 hours, depending upon air temperatures. Notification letters will be distributed to properties fronting each street segment to provide notice of vehicular access and parking restrictions. In addition, and at least 72-hours prior to the crack sealing and slurry seal treatment on each street segment, “No Parking” signs will be posted to give notice of parking and street restrictions. During any street closures, private vehicles will not be allowed to access the street either in transit or leaving their driveways. Emergency vehicles will have continuous access. Certain streets with heavier traffic will have signed detour routes.

A slurry seal treatment is a cost-effective way to preserve pavement by protecting the surface from the effects of natural aging and the environmental degradation caused by inclement weather, excessive heat and the searing effects of the sun. By undertaking a program of planned pavement maintenance, considerable savings in rehabilitation costs may be achieved by avoiding the much higher cost needed to reconstruct the street. A slurry seal maintenance program undertaken before more extensive deterioration has begun is essential to proper pavement management. A slurry seal treatment can extend the life of a street by five to eight years.

Street segments in the City that have deteriorated beyond a stage where a slurry seal treatment can be effectively applied will require asphalt grinding and overlay treatment or a full street reconstruction at a future date.

For additional information and updates about the 2018 Citywide Slurry Seal Project, please refer to the City’s website at

Thank you for your patience as we invest in our community infrastructure.


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