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2018 Citywide Slurry Seal Project

Senate Bill 1 LogoProject Location:  Twelve (12) street segments and three (3) multi-use pathway segments throughout the City of Sonoma.

Project Achievement: The project was a part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets and multi-use pathways in a safe and functional condition for multi-modal circulation.

Project Description:  The project generally involved street surface treatment (slurry seal) for up to twelve (12) streets and three (3) multi-use pathway segments throughout the City. Specifically, the improvements consisted of surface preparation; crack seal; removal and replacement of pavement striping and markings; protection of existing utility structures, curb and gutter, and cross gutter; traffic control; and other related work.

Project Completion Date: November 6, 2018

Project Construction Cost: $187,203.62.

NOTE: This project was funded with a combination of tax revenue generated from Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 and funding from the City’s General Fund.

Contractor: VSS International, Inc.

2018 Citywide Slurry Seal Project Location Map

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