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Memorial Benches

artist rendering of benchThe City of Sonoma Memorial Bench program provides the opportunity for members of the community to honor their loved one, while also enhancing the beauty and utility of City parks and open space. In order to allow for a coordinated and consistent program for accepting contributions, the City is in the process of establishing an application and procedure based on the City’s policy for Approval and Acceptance of Memorials and Donated Items.

If you are interested in donating a memorial bench, please fill out the interest form following the program details and you will be added to the City’s waitlist while the application is developed.

If you have questions about or need to update your contact information for an existing memorial bench, please email or call 707-938-3332.

Program Details

At this time, only individuals or pets may be honored with a memorial bench; organizations and groups will not be considered.

Locations - The Public Works Department will determine the approved sites for all park bench donations to be located in City-owned bike paths and neighborhood parks and the Montini Preserve. Memorial benches and plaques are not permitted in Plaza Park. Memorial benches along the Overlook Trail are managed by the Overlook Trail Stewards and are not covered by the City’s policy.

Cost & Duration - The memorial bench donation amount is yet to be determined. The donation amount per bench will cover the cost of the bench, installation, administration and maintenance for a period of 10 years, at which point donors will have the first right of refusal to renew their contract with a new donation.

Donors will have the option of sharing in the cost of a bench by contributing a share of the bench donation amount, or they may donate for the entire bench with just one memorial plaque. Each bench can support up to three memorial plaques.

Bench and Plaque Design - No custom benches or plaques will be allowed. All benches will meet the standards of the City for design, durability, and construction and plaques shall be the City standard. Once the donation has been received and approved, the Department will purchase and install the bench and plaque.

Please read through the Policy for Approval and Acceptance of Memorials and Donated Improvements for complete information, details and restrictions.

Memorial Bench Waitlist

    Please note that memorial benches and plaques are not permitted in Plaza Park and that memorial benches along the Overlook Trail are managed by the Overlook Trail Stewards and are not covered by the City’s policy.
    Each bench can support up to three memorial plaques.
  • Only individuals or pets may be honored with a memorial bench; organizations and groups will not be considered.
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