Broadway Pedestrian Crossing Improvements
Project Description
This project will provide enhanced pedestrian safety improvements including the installation of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at Patten Street, France/Andrieux Streets, Malet Street, and at a relocated crosswalk north of Traintown at Clay Street with new curb ramps.
Current Status
Public Works crews have successfully installed Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the intersection of Broadway and Clay Street. The next focus for the crews will be the remaining three upgraded crossing points along Broadway: Malet Street, France/Andrieux Street, and Patten Street. The entire installation of RRFBs at all these locations is anticipated to be finished by the fall of 2023.
To be determined. The schedule is dependent on the delivery of materials and weather conditions. The project is estimated to be completed by Fall 2023.
As part of Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget adoption on June 21, the City Council funded the Broadway (SR12) Pedestrian Safety Project. This project would provide enhanced pedestrian safety improvements at Patten Street, France/Andrieux Streets, Malet Street and at a relocated crosswalk north of Traintown at Clay Street with new curb ramps. The Broadway (SR12) Pedestrian Safety Project was discussed in combination with the Broadway restriping plan that commenced in November 2022. Once the restriping project was completed, the City was able to move forward with the pedestrian crossing improvements. The City received Caltrans approval and an encroachment permit to work in Caltrans right of way and install the RRFBs on December 21st, 2022. The City’s Public Works department is managing and constructing this project internally and estimates that it will be completed in the Fall of 2023.