2017 Street Rehabilitation & Water Services Replacement

2017 Street Rehabilitation After Construction Photograph
After Construction
2017 Street Rehabilitation Before Construction Photograph
Before Construction







Project Location:  Avenue Del Oro (from Fifth St. East to Cordilleras Drive and #693 Avenue Del Oro to Appleton Way), Aureo Ct, and El Nido Ct.

Project Achievements: This project was a part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets in a safe and functional condition for multi-modal circulation, and to replacing aging water infrastructure.

Project Description:The project included water services replacement and street rehabilitation and improvements, including replacement of residential water services and related infrastructure; edge/conform grinding; dig-out and repair of localized failures prior to asphalt overlay; crack sealing; placing asphalt pavement overlay; placement of geosynthetic pavement interlayer; installation of pavement striping/markings and signing; adjusting utility structures to grade; upgrading existing curb ramps for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance; miscellaneous concrete sidewalk and curb and gutter construction; and other related work.

Project Construction Cost: The project construction cost utilized a combination of Senate Bill 1: Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funding, local Measure M sales tax revenue, and funding from the City’s Water Fund. The final construction contract cost was $542,596.34.

For additional information regarding the local Measure M sales tax, please refer to the Sonoma County Transportation Authority's website.

Project Completion/Acceptance Date: June 21, 2018

Contractor:  Argonaut Constructors

City Contacts:  Colleen Ferguson, Katherine Wall

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