Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Services
Code Enforcement services for the City of Sonoma are provided through the Office of the City Prosecutor, in coordination with other City departments as needed. Protecting Sonoma’s quality of life and maintaining the health, safety and welfare of city residents are the City’s top priorities with respect to code enforcement. The City has one part-time code enforcement officer who is charged with ensuring compliance with a wide variety of city codes, regulations and laws, including:
- Illegal or non-permitted construction activities.
- Investigation of vacation rental operations in residential neighborhoods.
- Conditional Use Permit violations
- Public Nuisance issues
- Noise Ordinance violations
- Zoning complaints
- Non-permitted advertising signs
- Other city code violations.
Some issues will require a joint investigation by the Police Department and a code enforcement officer to determine the most appropriate resolution to a particular violation.