City of Sonoma Temporary Parklet and Sidewalk Extension Guide

Planning Resource Docs Permits

October 2, 2020
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Sonoma businesses can now apply for a temporary parklet to make use of parking spaces on the City street adjacent to the business. The following guidelines will allow the utilization of traditional parking spaces to allow for business expansion opportunities for restaurants and tasting rooms that have severe restrictions on indoor seating and/or limited outdoor expansion on their own site.  The investment in renting or constructing these amenities is significant and will require review and approval of the City of Sonoma to ensure safety, aesthetics and other public issues. These guidelines will be updated overtime,  the most up to date version of the guidelines are found on the City of Sonoma website.   It is important to note the City of Sonoma is granting approval for the parklets, but the Public Health Department and the State of California continue to have oversight over outdoor dining.

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