City Council Meeting
6:00pm - 9:00pm

Sonoma City Council will hold a regular meeting on Monday, October 21st starting at 6:00 p.m. The council will proclaim October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and address various reports from council members and staff. The meeting will also feature two appeals: one challenging the Planning Commission’s approval of new exterior lighting at 252 West Spain Street, and another opposing the denial of a use permit for a vacation rental and wine tasting facility at 301 First Street West, commonly referred to as “The Cooperage.” View the complete agenda for details and more information.
Meetings are held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can be viewed on channel 27 or the City’s CivicWeb portal.
Public Comment
To make a public comment, individuals are encouraged to either attend the meeting in person and speak during the designated public comment period related to the agenda item they wish to address or submit comments in advance online* through our public comment form on our CivicWeb Portal. Please be aware that all comments not submitted in advance must be presented in person.
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* Per the City’s standard practice, any comments received before the commencement of the meeting will be uploaded to the public correspondence folder on the City’s CivicWeb Portal and available for review by the public and the Commission. It will not be read during the meeting.