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Fix-a-Leak Week

MarMarch 14 2022

Fix-a-Leak Week

Join the City of Sonoma in celebrating Fix-a-Leak Week by tightening loose faucets and pipes, checking the toilet for leaks, checking your outdoor spigot for leaks, and inspecting your irrigation system for broken lines and sprinkler heads. But really, it’s best to keep water conservation top-of-mind throughout the year.

Find and Fix Leaks to Save Water

  • Check your water bill – spikes in use can indicate a leak.
  • Read your water meter – turn off all fixtures, if the water meter continues to spin, you have a leak.
  • Test your toilet for leaks – pick up free dye tabs at Sonoma City Hall during regular business hours* and test your toilets for leaks.
  • Take the 10-minute Fix-a-Leak Challenge.
  • Find out more about fixing leaks around your house at EPA WaterSense.

Help spread the word about Fix-a-Leak Week!

Did you know that an American home can waste, on average, more than 10,000 gallons of water every year due to running toilets, dripping faucets and other household leaks? That’s close to how much some households use in two months! So, kick your DIY home improvement into high gear and fix those leaks around your home.

Find and Fix Leaks in SpanishFind and Fix Leaks in English


















*Sonoma City Hall is open to the public Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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