Sonoma Garden Park Grand Opening of Children’s Play Area

In celebration of Sonoma Garden Park’s 30th Anniversary, the Sonoma Ecology Center is delighted to invite you to the Grand Opening of the Children’s Play Area at Sonoma Garden Park on Sunday, April 16, 10:00 am-12:00 pm! Designed to be a dynamic learning environment for kids, this new play area is an exciting addition to the park.
Join the Sonoma Ecology Center for a free, family-oriented ribbon-cutting event, with refreshments by Valley Bar + Bottle and a variety of kid-friendly activities.
Families are encouraged to carpool to the Sonoma Garden Park Children’s Play Area Grand Opening, as parking is limited. No RSVP is required.
A little bit about the history of Sonoma Garden Park:
This year marks the 30th anniversary of Sonoma Ecology Center’s management of Sonoma Garden Park, which was originally the property of Pauline Bond, a Sonoma schoolteacher who gave the land to the City of Sonoma in 1977. In 1993, Sonoma Ecology Center entered into an agreement with the City of Sonoma to take over regular operation of the 6.1 acre park, and began to grow it from a bare lot to its current lush grounds of demonstration gardens, community garden plots, and public gathering places.
Sonoma Garden Park’s tagline, “It Takes a Community” is exemplified in this newest feature—in addition to the financial support of the Wedekind family, the Children’s Play Area was made possible by volunteer Mark Gonzalves, who designs nature-based play spaces through the lens of children, and donated hundreds of hours of his time and effort to the project.