Sonoma Promenade
5:00pm - 10:00pm

Enjoy Sonoma’s Local Retail, Restaurants and Wine under the summer sky on the Sonoma Promenade this weekend!
Sonoma Promenade
Friday, August 28th – Saturday, August 29th &
Friday, September 4th – Sunday, September 6th
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
North Half of First St E (between East Spain St & E Napa St).
To create safe opportunities for businesses to operate, the City is closing the north half of First Street East along the Plaza (between East Spain Street and East Napa Street) for Sonoma Promenade. The north half of First Street East between East Spain Street and East Napa Street will be temporarily closed to traffic and parking from 3:30 PM to 10:00 PM. All parked vehicles will be required to move by 3:30 PM. The south half of First Street East will remain open. Photo Credit: Robbi Pengelly, Sonoma Index-Tribune.
For more information and updates visit
Sonoma Promenade is organized in partnership with the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce, Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau, Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Alliance and the City of Sonoma and is part of the City’s Sonoma Al Fresco program that was created to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Sonoma businesses by allowing businesses to temporarily add or expand their outside service options to accommodate COVID-19 related health standards. This allows businesses to remain open and patrons to enjoy Sonoma’s al fresco experiences while maintaining safe areas for pedestrians.
Please note, the City of Sonoma and its partners are monitoring local air quality conditions and at this time, the current conditions would not preclude us from moving forward with the plans for outdoor business operations. We will continue to watch the air
quality conditions and ensure that we are in compliance with any related state/county health guidance. This program will only move forward if it is safe for the general public, however, we strongly encourage everyone to assess their own individual health situations when considering any outdoor activities while air quality is negatively impacted. For information on air quality and how to protect your health during wildfires, please visit the CDPH website at
The schedule for street closures will be based on interest. If this is a program you would be interested in participating in, please complete the Outdoor Temporary Facility Weekend Expansion Permit and email it to Lisa Janson at