Housing Element Kick-Off Meeting Recap

Posted on February 1, 2022

Housing Element Presentation
Click to View or Download the slideshow presentation document

On January 25th a virtual Joint Special City Council and Planning Commission “Housing Element Kick-Off” meeting was held to receive updates on the Housing Element 6th Cycle Update.  Beth Thompson, Principal at DeNovo Planning Group gave a presentation, which provided basic information on what a Housing Element is and what is included in the Housing Element Update, some background information, and a summary of the 5th Cycle accomplishments. View or Download a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation and watch a recording of the meeting.

In addition, the following Housing Element timeline was provided:

  • October 2021 – February 2022, Evaluate/Review Existing Conditions, Plans, and Programs
  • February/March 2022, Virtual Public Workshop and Community Survey
  • January – April 2022, Prepare initial Housing Element Analysis
  • May/June 2022, Public Review Draft Housing Element (30-day review)
  • May/June 2022, Community Open House
  • August 2022, HCD Draft Housing Element (90-day HCD review)
  • December 2022, Adoption of Draft Housing Element
  • January 2023, Final Housing Element and Certification

Community and Public engagement will be conducted throughout the process. Find more information and sign up to receive automatic email Housing Element updates on our Housing Element Update page.

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