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Recording of Olsen Park Design Concepts Meeting Now Available

Posted on August 15, 2023

A screenshot of a zoom meeting.

A recording of the August 9th virtual Olsen Park Design Concepts meeting hosted City’s Public Works Department in partnership with LandCulture LLP is now available for review. Watch it on the City’s YouTube channel.

LandCulture presented two design concepts – see design concepts #1 and #2 on the project page – at the meeting and solicited feedback from meeting attendees including a real-time poll. Polling questions included:

  1. Rank the proposed improvements you like on Concept Plan #1.
    1. SHADED DG ENTRY WITH PICNIC AREA: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    2. RETROFIT EXISTING PLAY STRUCTURE: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    3. TODDLER SAND PLAY AREA WITH BOAT: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    4. NEW LAWN AREA NEAR PICNIC AREA: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    5. BUTTERFLY & POLLINATOR GARDEN: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    6. MURAL: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    7. BALANCE BEAM: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    8. WORKOUT ZONE: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
    9. BENCHES & SHADE TRELLISES: Most Important / Somewhat Important / Not Important
  2. Are you in favor of the loop path around the lawn, keeping the same main entry?
  3. Understanding there is a set budget, overall are you pleased with this concept plan?
  4. Are there any elements you like to see added in the next draft design?

The public is invited to send additional comments and feedback via email to Oriana Hart, Public Works Administrative and Project Manager, at through August 20, 2023.

Next Steps: LandCulture LLP will present the Preferred Concept Plan for Park Improvements to the City’s Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Commission during their meeting on September 13, 2023.

Learn more and subscribe for updates on the Olsen Park Improvement Project Page.

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